23 February 2021

Hans van Ree is new CEO of Bloom, Green Partners and Greenex

Since the beginning of 2020, a more intensive working relationship has been in place between Bloom, Green Partners and Greenex, who specialise in supplying flowers, bouquets and plants to retail.

All three of these companies, who are part of Dutch Flower Group, have dedicated account teams who focus on serving a specific selection of European multiple retailers. The collaboration established last year enables more effective and efficient operations moving forward.

More recently, back-office activities have been integrated under a new umbrella name, The Floral Connection’. The next phase will be to concentrate on integrating operational and commercial aspects.

This will be overseen by a new CEO, with current CCO Hans van Ree taking over from Sjors van Gemert as CEO of Bloom, Green Partners and Greenex, from 1 April.
Via mutual agreement, Sjors van Gemert will be leaving the organisation.

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flowers to consumers every week


plants to consumers every week


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